Understandconstruction.com is a website that explains the art and science of building construction in great clarity and detail. Our goal is to make you understand concepts in construction.

Written by architects and engineers, the content on the site is actually a result of accumulated years of work at construction sites and design offices. We also take great pains to ensure that our quality of writing is of a high standard. We aim to take complicated situations and make them simple and clear, as well as to provide content that is interesting to industry experts and newcomers alike. Do let us know where we succeed - and where we fail in this task.

What can you expect from working with Bildsy?
  • The freedom to live your way - Design, colours, appliances and extras are all up to you; it’s your home after all!

  • Fixed price construction costs - No hidden fees, no surprise extras and no pricing first home buyers out of the market.

  • Complete transparency - To give you peace of mind we provide you with a copy of all receipts and price supporting documents for the selections you have made in the Budgets and Allowances section of the contract. This allows you to see how your money has been spent. We also provide you with our pricing so you know there is no double dipping on the gap between trade and retail price.

  • State of the art workmanship - We are happy to do regular onsite meet ups during business hours. Call your site supervisor at any point through the construction, and we’ll organise to meet you onsite for a walk around and Q&A session.

  • State of the art workmanship - Site visits at times that suit you –We are happy to do regular onsite meet ups during business hours. Call your site supervisor at any point through the construction, and we’ll organise to meet you onsite for a walk around and Q&A session.